Monday, December 8, 2008

Advent: Time of Prophets and Prophesies

I've been a Catholic all of my life, but I never really stopped and thought about some of the celebrations that our church do in preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. A clear example of that is "Advent" o "Adviento" in Spanish. From the Latin root "Adventus" that means "Arrival", the celebration refers to the waiting time in preparation for the day Jesus was born, in other words, the period right before Christmas.
This particular celebration is full of traditions and symbolism due to the importance that it has on the Christian world. One of the things that this periods brings to the scene is the word of the Prophets from the old testament and their ways of communication with the Angels and other supernatural beings.
Many of those prophets were treated as "insane" back in the day when they predicted the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus to our world, and some of those prophets still live among us today, and also keep being treated in the same way they were treated thousands of years ago.
I want to dedicate a little space in my blog, schedule, and life to one of the most amazing things that I've seen in the last years...

Benjamin Solari Parravicini
(El "Pelon" de Buenos Aires)

Solari Parravicini was an Argentinian artist born in capital Buenos Aires on 1898. Living with his family on his early days, "Pelon"(as his family called him with love, meaning "Little Bald") confessed to hear voices talking to him all the time as a kid. His family always took his comments as the kid's imaginative mind creations, but never really paid attention to them. As he grew old, Parravicini tried Law school, Nursing, and some other college careers but never felt totally comfortable with any of them.
Frustrated by his unsuccessful education options, Benjamin took a different turn by dedicating himself to the social nocturnal life of beautiful Buenos Aires, life he enjoyed for some years unaware of what soon will change his life forever.
Always surrounded by his parent's old house mysteries, "Pelon" returned one late night to his place to get some rest for the next day. His youngest brother said he heard him getting on his room, and that after few minutes a loud noise disturbed the silence of the old mansion. His brother ran into Benjamin's room to see what happened, and when he opened the door, Benjamin was sitting on his bed looking at one of the room walls. His lamp was made out of heavy iron, and Benjamin told his brother that he saw how it bounced from side to side and then flew and crashed full speed against his wall, now visibly damage by the impact. Aware of Benjamin lifestyle, his brother didn't pay much attention to the incident and went back to bed. After that night, Parravicini's life will turn unexpectedly one last time.

Benjamin told his brother later on, that he was receiving messages from mysterious voices that told him to grab a pencil and draw their messages, then he will go unconscient for few minutes, and that when he was back, he had draw extraneous figures with messages on them. A true Catholic, Benjamin felt as if this was incorrect to the eyes of God and burned many of his first drawing, but later on the same voices that communicated with him, told him that God wants him to collect his messages, and that those voices he heard were from angels of God delivering his word to him.

If you want to know more about Parravicini's biography, visit this link: CLICK HERE TO GO TO LINK.

The prophetic message of Solari Parravicini

The complete article comes form a third party's web page, but I will isolate the ones that had more impact on me as I read the history of Benjamin.

Spanish: "La libertad de Norte America perdera su luz - La antorcha no aluminara como ayer y el monumento sera atacado dos veces"

"North America will lose its liberty light. Its torch won't illuminate like it did yesterday, and the monument will be hit twice" BSP 1939.

Message received in 1939, 62 years before the attack of WTC on September 11, 2001.

Spanish: "Cabeza de barba, que parecera santa mas no lo sera y encendera las Antillas"

English: "Head with beard, that will look as Santa, but that it won't be, and that will spark off the Antilles" BSP 1937

Message received in 1937, 39 years before Fidel Castro became dictator of Cuba.

Visión doméstica! Por pequeña pantalla se verá en domicilio propio los sucesos externos"

English: "Domestic Vision!" Thru small screen it'll be seen at own residence, all the external news" BSP 1938

Message received in 1938, 2 to 3 years before Television was first seen in Argentina.

Spanish: ""Duelo de poderes entre yanquis y rusos. Duelo de conquista espacial y terreno. Aunque no parezca, América llevará el cetro."

English: " Power duel between Yankees (Americans) and Russians. Duels for conquering space and land. Even though it doesn't seem like it, America will carry the center"

Message received in 1941, 20 years earlier than NASA send
Mercury Freedom 7 with Alan Shepard on the United States' first manned sub-orbital space flight on the race against Russia for space.

The video is in Spanish, I tried to find it in English but my search was unsuccessful. If you can find the English version please let me know so I can share it with the rest of the group.

Please post your comments on the comment section of this blog, and if you can find more information about Parravicini that is not on any of the links and info that I posted in here, please sent it to me so I can reviewed and shared with the rest of the group.
Thanks for reading my blog.